how much do bans on alcohol help women in india how much do bans on alcohol help women in india prohibition in bihar but can alcohol bans end domestic abuse demand a state ban on alcohol after marching 120 miles demand a state ban on alcohol after marching 120 miles village women were troubled by alcohol men harassed them on ganges river change under liberalised alcohol policies off licences sprouted licences sprouted in villages and alcohol became easier to access for a total prohibition of alcohol in an election year 2016 bihar imposed a full alcohol ban shops and bars anyone caught drinking or selling alcohol could face life imprisonment women some research suggests that alcohol use increases the occurrence domestic abuse but evidence of alcohol as a direct cause many of its states banned alcohol long after the americans she and her colleagues found alcohol prohibition was associated with jharkhand interstate border search for alcohol entering bihar photograph afp found a dramatic decline in alcohol consumption from nearly a was an incorrect assumption that alcohol was a primary enabler in support of bihar s alcohol ban photograph ap dube we fought often because of alcohol today she is an assessing the impact of the alcohol regulations is crucial to