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Our project

Welcome, dear visitors!

This website presents the results of the project "La vie multilingue d'un mot sur le web" for the Plurital Master's "Programmation et projet encadré" class. With Mr. Serge Fleury and Mr. Jean-Michel Daube's help, we discovered the basics of programming and some automatic language processing tools. The project was realized in several stages you can find in our blog :

- the creation of a multilingual corpus : we automatically extracted texts from URLs in French, Albanian and Arabic (we chose to focus only on press articles). The results of the extraction are tables. For further information, you can consult our script.

- the corpus processing : we worked with the textometric tool Trameur to look at the environment of the word "wool" in our multilingual corpus.

- the corpus analysis : we analyzed the Trameur's results and with them we created word clouds.

Our team

Author 1

After having my Bachelor's Degree in French, I wanted to try the Tal's Master. If the code lines frightened me at first, I'm now very interested discover in computer science.

- Morgane Dehareng
student at INALCO
Author 2

I'm a linguistic student and I didn't think that one day I'll go to computer science but now computer science is the key to my success.

- Chaïma Guellim,
student at Paris 10
Author 3

After validating my Master's Degree in Discourse Analysis, I tried the Tal's Master out of curiosity. I didn't expect so much programming but it's very interesting. I hope I'll improve at computer science and become a linguist engineer in two years.

- Wahiba Bouaoudia
student at Paris 3