Trameur in English

Trameur Weird

Trameur Weirdest

Trameur Weirdly

Trameur Weirdness

The cooccurences of the token "weird", and it's deriving forms "weirdly", "weirdness" and "weirdest", are, in most cases, common words, such as "day", "festival", "life", "songs", "book", etc. However, since the time we gathered the URLs coincided with the United States presidential election, we find in our lists "campaign", "debate", "conspiracy", "hillary", "clinton", "trump", "election" and "president", which would not have been the case otherwise. Following the same pattern, the presence of the terms "harry", "potter" and "pokemon" is not very surprising, because at the time, a new addition to the "Harry Potter" book series was published, and a new "Pokemon" game was released to the public.

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