Trameur in Turkish

Trameur Garip

In Turkish, adjectives are invariable, they do not agree with the noun they describe. They don't have a singular or plural form, nor do they have a masculine, feminine and neutral form.
The cooccurents of "garip" (adj) (weird) are, in most cases, common words, such as "insan"/"kişi" (person), "saat" (hour), "terör" (terror), "yer" (place), "yıl" (year), "gün" (day) etc. In addition, it is not surprising that the verbs near this word, create verb phrases, widely used in this corpus: "garip olmak" (be weing), "garip birşey demek/söylemek" (say something weird), "garip birşey yapmak" (do something weird), "birşeyin garip gelmesi" (something seems weird).
Note: In the list of polyoccurrences, we find "Türkiye Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan" (The President of Turkey Erdoğan), but also "Rusya Suriye" (Russia Syria), which means that in this corpus, a connection between Russia and Syria is established.

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